Food - Covid19 - Technology

    Last Updated on :
  • March 20, 2025 At 02:53 AM

Current COVID-19 crisis has given a reason to people to re-evaluate their food habits. How Technology can make your life easier and safe by consuming nutritional and healthy diet?

Covid19 Change the way we eat

There has been a massive consumer rethink around food, after the outbreak of coronavirus. People are more concerned about what type of food they are consuming, from where it has been obtained or produced from, how and where it was prepared and stored. Coronavirus has tremendous impacts on our lifestyles, the most likely and appreciable change is its impact on our food consumption habits. In short COVID-19 has changed the way we eat. Which we must look at as a positive and healthy trend towards a healthy life and an Opportunity to remain fit during the midst of crisis.

Home Cooking will be best. Cooking meals at home is the best solution since COVID-19 breakout, consumers want food with minimal touch points, many are avoiding to eat outside at restaurants or even order online. Due to this pandemic, people will hesitate going to public gathering / functions etc. We are now going to switch to homemade food in order to stay away from deadly coronavirus.

Healthy and Vegetarian There is already a huge surge for Organic food, Vegetarian, and Healthy foods after COVID-19 outbreak. People with pre-existing non communicable diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, obese (overweight) are on higher risk of getting infected with COVID-19. People will switch towards a much safer approach and trend will shift towards #BackToBasics and tend to eat Healthy #eatHealthy and Organic food only in order to keep their immunity high.#boostimmunity

Food Shopping and Safety standards Covid-19 Pandemic has changed our food shopping habits due to fear of catching virus from food. Moreover there is an elevated fear among us that going to crowded market and buying food there; will be Risky and should be avoided.

Less Demand for exotic foods. Although there are disagreements, that animal transferred the virus to humans, still there is a less demand for exotic meat. Meat-eaters, Street-foodie are likely to become more conscious of the food they choose to prevent illnesses arising out of it, and might turn to preferred vegetarian and Home Cooked food.

How TECHNOLOGY (planmeal) in picture

PLANMEAL : We at Planmeal are working hard to make this as a powerful mealplanning platform, for the foodies. We already have number of features like Automatic Online Meal Planning for an Individual OR for a FAMILY; keeping their food preferences, Allergies if any; health dietary requirement if any, and much more. Planmeal will generate a complete diet plan in just five basic inputs (details).

It can also generate grocery list based on your MEAL PLAN, and Ingredients can be delivered to your doorstep. PLANMEAL also has Both the options RECIPE BY INGREDIENT AND INGREDIENT BY RECIPEs. COVID-19 outbreak has brought in some lessons for mankind and we are trying to introduce many more features like Vata, Pitta and Kapha Ayurveda Concept of Eating.

Using Planmeal you can definitely generate a Meal Plan according to your daily food habits, taste and yet stay healthy. Planmeal will tell you how much should you eat, when should you eat and what should you eat and many more.

Stay tuned by subscribing plan meal’s newsletter for an early access

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy

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  • January 10, 2020 At 03:58 PM

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