Dahi Vada Chaat/ दही वड़ा चाट

Dahi Vada Chaat is Also Known as Yogurt Dumplings Chaat, Creamy Chilled Dahi Vada Delight

Dahi Vada Chaat - from

  • Cook Time: 25.00 min
  • Serving size: # 4
  • Serve: Normal
  • Per Serving Calore: 378.1075 Kcal
A serving of Dahi Vada Chaat with crispy vadas soaked in yogurt, sweet chutneys, and spices, ready to be served.

Nutrition Facts of Dahi Vada Chaat

Serving Size 4.00 servings
Calories 1512.43 Kcal

Amount per Serving of Dahi Vada Chaat

Total Fat 12.72g
Saturated Fat 199.05g
Trans Fat 0.00g
Cholesterol 0.00g
Sodium 345.23g
Total Carbohydrates 48.71g
Dietary Fiber 7.97g
Total Sugars 4.46g
Protein 25.60g

Vitamins & Minerals present in
Dahi Vada Chaat

Vitamin D 0.00 - g
Calcium 723.32 - g
Iron 12.06 - g
Potassium 3,579.81 - g

Best to eat with

Percent Calories

Ingredients Required for Dahi Vada Chaat

Total Ingredients in Dahi Vada Chaat are # 14

Curd M दही
2 - Cup
Black Gram Split M काली दाल, उड़द की दाल
1 - Cup
Idli Rice M इडली चावल, पारबोइल्ड राइस
.25 - Cup
Tamarind Chutney M इमली की चटनी
2 - Tbsp
Mint Chutney M पुदीना चटनी
2 - Tbsp
Sev M
3 - Tbsp
Cumin seeds जीरा
1 - Tsp
Asafoetida हींग
1 - Pinch
Coriander Leaves हरा धनिया
1.5 - Tbsp
Rock Salt सेंधा नमक, खनिज नमक
.5 - Tsp
Baking Soda खाने का सोडा
.25 - Tsp
Mustard Oil
6 - Tsp
Onion Big प्याज
1 - Piece
Lemon Juice नींबू का रस
1 - Tbsp

Recipe of Home Cooked Dahi Vada Chaat/ दही वड़ा चाट

Easy Step-by-Step Instructions for making Dahi Vada Chaat at Home.

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